In a groundbreaking political development, former presidential candidate and renowned statesman, Gbenga Olawepo-Hashim, has brought together the chairmen of all...
A Germany-based Nigeria-born business entrepreneur, Hon Olayinka Segelu, has expressed grief over the demise of renowned Islamic cleric, Sheikh Muyideen...
The Director-General Liaison office for Abuja and Lagos, Hon. Chief (Dr.) Ezekiel Temitope Oladimeji (OTOPE), has commended His Excellency, Engr....
In a heartfelt tribute, Hon. Ibrahim Oladebo Simple, the Executive Vice Chairman of Egbeda Local Government and the Political Head...
The Executive Chairman of Akinyele Local Government, Hon Akinwole Akinleye has sent his condolence message to the family and Akinyele...
"Death has been described as an inevitable entity every individual is indebted to regardless of status, race or religion" The...
The lawmaker representing Ibadan North East/South East Federal constituency in the House Of Representatives, Rep, Abass Adigun, popularly known as...
Today, we mourn the loss of a legendary Islamic scholar, Sheikh Muyideen Ajani Bello, affectionately known as "Oniwasi Agbaye," who...
In the name of Allah, the Most Merciful, the Most Compassionate, it is with a profound sense of loss and...
The Director-General, Civil Society Organizations on Community Advancement and Humanitarian Empowerment Initiative (CSCHEI), Kunle Yusuff, MON , has described the...
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