This year’s theme conveys both the need for urgent action and persistent hope, driven by the power of girls’ voices and vision for the future.

Every year, the International Day of the Girl Child is celebrated globally on the 11th of October in recognition of gender-based violence and barriers faced by girls around the world.
This year theme is to highlight the inequality faced by Girl children with the aim of raising their voices.

Some individuals organize extracurricular activities such as debates, spelling bees, indoor and outdoor games amongst others with the aim of helping girls embrace their feminity while appreciating their unique strengths and prowess.
If you have sisters, daughters, nieces or neighbours (girls) below the age of 19 and are wondering how to celebrate the International Day of the Girl Child, let me tell you how;

The theme of this year’s celebration is “My Voice, Our Equal Future.” I enjoined us to amplify the voices of our girls and guide them on the path towards becoming powerful change makers.
There are various ways you can celebrate this event today.
Nonetheless, I’ll be sharing eight ways through which you can show the girls in your life and your community’s that you appreciate them and are concerned about what happens to them today and help them grow up to be the best version of themselves:
Strong, Responsible, Powerful, Resilient and Unique in all Ramifications.
1) Remind a girl of her uniqueness and how amazing and powerful she will become
2) Watch a superhero-themed movie with your daughter, sister or
any girl in your life.
3) Support Girl Child Education Initiatives in your Community’s
4) Talk Shows or interactive activities among Girls schools
5) Reach out to an organization that supports at-risk youth in your community and ask how you can assist the girls…
Roseline Oluwakemi Alabi Foundation (ROA) will be advocating, inspiring and supporting the Girl Child in all her Endeavours, cause they’re our tomorrow.
Mrs Oluwakemi Roseline Alabi ( Oloriagba1)
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